36 New Names Added

The following have been added to the site today:

(623826) Alekseyvarkin
(14950) Alexandradelbo
(187410) Anitabrockie
(395124) Astonepia
(113626) Centorenazzo
(17037) Danfleisch
(470324) Debbanci
(24825) Ebeshireiko
(357148) El-Maarry
(614470) Flordeneu
(622398) Fraser
(100084) Gussmann
(216368) Hypnomys
(24841) Imatani
(20023) Jackmegas
(384584) Jenniferlawrence
(600867) Kinghu
(28116) Kunovac
(32619) Lynnsawyer
(31948) Marciarieke
(202907) Meisenheimer
(32584) Michaelcollins
(35353) Nadapravcova
(623827) Nikandrilyich
(43792) Nobutakagoto
(379732) Oklay
(547664) Ozdin
(20025) Petronaviera
(550832) Silvanacopceski
(40104) Stevekerr
(32617) Tiegs
(54610) Toichisakata
(157599) Verdery
(214911) Viehbock
(63498) Whitehead
(121336) Ziarnadhronom

You can find details of each name in the WGSBN Bulletin below (page 14):


Tracy x